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Latitude, Longitude

coordinates go here


Maps Measure Query
Sketch Legend About
Base Maps
Texas Imagery Service (Google)
Esri Light Gray
Esri Streets
Open Street Map
Clear Overlays
Area Offices
Control Sections
Councils of Governments (COG)
Connectivity Corridors
Congestion (Base Year)
Congestion (Forecast Year)
Energy Sector Corridors
Freight Network (FHWA)
Freight Network (TxDOT)
Functional Classification & Urban Areas
Future Traffic & Percent Truck
Highway Designations
Hurricane Evacuation Routes
Maintenance Section
Maintenance Section Routes
Memorial Highways
Metropolitan Planning Organizations (MPO)
National Highway System
Non-Attainment Areas
Permanent Count Stations
Projects - Construction Scheduled
Projects - Finalizing for Construction
Projects - Under Development
Projects - Long Term Planning
Reference Markers
Regional Mobility Authorities (RMA)
Roadway Inventory - On-System Roadbeds
Shale Plays and Basins
Speed Limits
State House Districts
State Senate Districts
Strategic Highway Network (STRAHNET)
Texas Trunk System & Urban Areas
Tolls (Future & Proposed)
Top 100 Congested Roadways
TxDOT Facilities
US House Districts
Vertical Clearance

Query Inventory Data
Route tips:
Format=IH0035,SL0001 etc.
Enter * for all routes
Enter IH for all Interstates
Enter US for all US Highways
Enter SH for all State Highways

Sketch Planning Tool
* Note - This tool is for planning purposes only. It is not a tool for roadway design or engineering purposes.

Construction cost estimates are calculated using average project cost by type from August 2003 to August 2013 in 2013 dollars.

Frontage roads assumed two lanes per direction when selected.

Map Legend
Map Disclaimer
The Statewide Planning Map displays data in support of planning operations at TxDOT.

Although we try to update information as often as possible, we are not assuming any responsibility for any damages or inaccuracies if you rely on it.

We offer no warranty that this application is accurate or complete. The information shown is for informational purposes and may not have been prepared for or be suitable for legal, engineering, or surveying purposes.

It does not represent an on-the-ground survey and represents only the approximate relative location of property/administrative boundaries.